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How To Bust Through Your Mental Blocks!

We all get those nasty little blocks every now and again and when it happens it can be frustrating at best.

So what do you do when it creeps up and knocks you off kilter?

man with confused look

There have been several wonderful articles written on “How To Bust Through Your Mental Blocks” but from my research on the subject, I have found that there are some missing links in a lot information that is given.

A couple of things I do personally when the block hits without warning is I stop everything. I mean literally completely stop…

I have leaned to notice the hit when it comes crashing in without an invite. Being aware of the small shut down can drastically increase the re-boot if you allow yourself to say the block is temporary and not fight it so hard.  Instead of struggling to try to remember what path and mind map you are on, it may be helpful to lay down your inner struggle and walk away from the blind spot.

Give your mind something refreshing to devour and let it do its thing. When your inner spirit decides it wants control, your mind can get confused over which functioning part of your body it really in charge here.

We are so complex that our minds are constantly in an attempt to use capacity that has not yet been tapped into. It is both bothersome and something to marvel at in a sense.

While I could go on and on about my own trip down this narrow wall of the brain buster and give out my advice but at the end of the day it really boils down to is this:

  • Breathing in life as it happens.
  • Stopping just long enough to let go of the ego that wants to fight the minds curiosity.
  • Feeding your brain the proper amount of water and nutrients it needs to function at its best.

I have included a link here that will take you to a site that has some cool ideas on brain power.

It’s pretty cool actually:Train Your Brain Clinically Proven Brain Fitness Programs from Posit Science

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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